L&J Tax Mockup

L&J Tax

We’re delighted to share one of our recent projects – the development of the new L&J Tax website!

L&J Tax approached us with a clear vision for their website. Our role was to take the brief and develop a user-friendly platform that focused on five key areas:

  1. Easy-to-use navigation – Simplifying the user experience for effortless browsing.
  2. Service discovery journey – Helping users quickly find the services they need.
  3. A blog – Providing a space for LJ Tax to share valuable content and updates.
  4. Customer testimonials – Highlighting client experiences to build trust.
  5. Bespoke contact forms – Custom forms tailored to capture specific client needs.

One of the main challenges L&J Tax faced was that potential clients often contacted them without knowing which specific service they needed. To solve this, we developed a streamlined discovery journey that guides users through a process to identify their needs, ensuring they are connected with the right advisor.

The outcome? A smooth and successful launch that has already made a tangible difference for L&J Tax. Their clients now enjoy a better, more intuitive online experience, and the team can more effectively connect with those seeking their services.

We’re proud of the results we achieved with this project and the positive impact it has had on L&J Tax’s operations. This is just one example of how our team brings innovative solutions to the table, helping our clients succeed in their digital endeavours.

Client: L&J Tax
Launched: 2023
Services: Development
